James run out into Imaginations, and a Company with him; and they raised up a great Darkness in the Nation.
Source: Journal of G.F. 1709 edition, Part 1. Pg. 374. [1656]
Friday, July 26, 2019
Some come back into the institutionalized gathering of Friends
About this time , some that had run out from Truth, and clashed against Friends, were reached unto by the Power of the Lord; which came wonderfully over, and made them Condemn and Tear their Papers of Controversies to pieces. Several Meetings we had with them, and the Lord’s Everlasting Power was over all, and set Judgment on the Head of that, that had Run out. And in these Meetings, (which lasted whole Days) several, that had Run out with John Parrot and others , came in again , and Condemned that Spirit, that led them to Keep on their Hats, when Friends Prayed, and when they themselves Prayed: and some of them said, that Friends were more righteous than they; and that, If Friends had not stood, they had been gone, and had fallen into Perdition. And thus the Lord’s Power was wonderfully manifested, and came over all.
Source: Journal of George Fox 1709 edition, Part 2, pg. 96 [1667]
Cross Reference
Source: Journal of George Fox 1709 edition, Part 2, pg. 96 [1667]
Cross Reference
Thursday, July 25, 2019
George Fox Moved to Recommend Meeting 4
And as I had been moved of the Lord, to travel in his Power round about this Nation, and in other parts, to Preach the Everlasting Gospel, and to declare the Word of Life, which was in the Beginning, through many Imprisonments, Hardships, Sufferings and Trials; so I was afterwards moved to Travel in the fame Heavenly Power about the Nation again (and to write to such Places, where I came) to recommend unto Friends the setting up of the Quarterly and Monthly Meetings in all Counties, for the looking after the Poor, and taking Care for Orderly Proceedings in Marriages, and other matters relating to the Church of Christ: Though some Meetings for this end were settled in the North of England in the Year 1653.
Source: Journal of G.F. 1709 edition Part 2, pg. 271. [1676]
George Fox Moved to Recommend Meeting 3
At Slattenford in Wiltſhire we had a very good Meeting, though we met there with much Opposition from some, who had ſet themſelves againſt Womens-Meeting; which I was moved of the Lord to recommend to Friends, for the Benefit and Advantage of the Church of Christ.
Source: Journal of G.F. 1709 edition. Part 2, Pg. 219. [1672]
George Fox Moved to Recommend Meeting 2
Then was I moved of the Lord, to Recommend the setting up of Five Monthly Meetings of Men and Women in tne city of London (besides the Womens-Meetings , and the Quarterly-Meetings ) to take Care of God’s Glory , and to Admonish and Exhort such, as walked disorderly or carelesly , and not according to Truth. For whereas Friends had had only Quarterly Meetings ; now Truth was spread, and Friends were grown more Numerous, I was moved to Recommend the setting up of Monthly Meetings throughout the “Nation. And the Lord opened to me, and let me fee, What I must do, and how the Mens and Womens Monthly and Quarterly Meetings should be ordered and established in this Nation, and in other Nations ; and that I should Write to them, where I came not, to do the same.
Source: Journal of G.F. 1709 edition Part 2, pg. 96. [1667]
G.F. moved to Recommend Meetings 1
To this Meeting came many Friends out of most parts of the Nation : for it was about Business relating to the Church, both in this Nation, and beyond the Seas. Several Years before, when I was in the North, I was moved to recommend to Friends the setting up of this Meeting for that Service: For many Friends suffered in divers parts of the Nation, and their Goods were taken from them, contrary to the Law, and they understood not, how to help themselves, or where to seek Redress.
Source: Journal of G.F. 1709 edition, Part 1, pg. 534. [1660]
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
George Fox and his concern over James Naylor
I went out of Town again; leaving James Nailer in the City. And as I passed from him, I cast my Eyes upon him , and a Fear struck into me concerning him : But I went away ...
Source: Journal of G.F. 1709 edition, Part 1, pg.295. [1655]
Source: Journal of G.F. 1709 edition, Part 1, pg.295. [1655]
Those who did not go to Meetings.
There were some, that had run out with James Naylor, that did not come to Meetings, to whom I sent Word , That the Day of their Visitation was over: and they never prospered after.
Source: Journal of G.F. 1709 edition, Part 1, pg. 415 [1657]
Source: Journal of G.F. 1709 edition, Part 1, pg. 415 [1657]
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
George Fox at war against James Naylor
But James Nayler and some of them could not stay the meeting but kept on their hats when I prayed. And they were the first that gave that bad example amongst Friends. So after I had been warring with the world, now there was a wicked spirit risen up amongst Friends to war against.
Source: G.F. Journal (Nickalls edition) pg. 268. Cambridge. 1952 [1656]
Larger passage which includes the above quote with different context.
Source: G.F. Journal (Nickalls edition) pg. 268. Cambridge. 1952 [1656]
Larger passage which includes the above quote with different context.
From thence we came through the Countries to Exeter, where many Friends were in Prison; and amongst the rest James Nayler. For a little before the Time, that we were set at Liberty, James run out into Imaginations, and a Company with him; and they raised up a great Darkness in the Nation. And he came to Bristol, and made a Disturbance there: And from thence he was coming to Lanceston, to see me; but was stopt by the Way and Imprisoned at Exeter. As were also several others, that were coming to see me; one of whom, an honest, tender Man, died in Prison there : whose Blood lieth on the Heads of his Persecutors.
That Night, that we came to Exeter, I spake with James Nayler: for I saw, he was out, and wrong; and so was his Company. The next day, being the First day of the Week, we went to the Prison, to vi-the Prisoners ; and had a Meeting with them in the Prison: but James Nayler, and some of them could not stay the Meeting. There came a Corporal of Horse into the Meeting, and was Convinced and remained a very good Friend. The next day I spake to James Nayler again ; and he flighted, what I said, and was dark , and much out : yet he would have come, and kissed me. But I said, 'Since he had turned against the Power of God , I could not receive his shew of Kindness': So the Lord God moved me to slight him , and to set the Power of God over him. So after I had been warring with the World, there was now a wicked Spirit risen up amongst Friends to War against : and I admonished him and his Company. And when he was come to London, his Resisting the Power of God in me, and the Truth that was declared to him by me , became one of his greatest Burdens. But he came to fee his Out-going, and to Condemn it ; and after some Time he returned to Truth again : as in the printed Relation of his Re pentance, Condemnation and Recovery may be more fully seen.
Source: Journal of G.F. 1709 edition, Part 1, pg. 374. [1656]
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Pr. Here he ſaith, We do utterly deny all their ways and doćtrines who exclude all teachings of men. See page 5. Anſ. Contrary to the ...
Pr . He ſaith, His Epistle reflects upon two ſorts of perſons, and how many falſe Prophets have riſen . Anſ . The work of the Miniſters of...
Pr. Here he ſaith, We do utterly deny all their ways and doćtrines who exclude all teachings of men. See page 5. Anſ. Contrary to the ...
Likewise, in his Epistle to the Reader, because Richard Waller witnesseth his Teacher within, and bids others to mind the Light within the...