Several Papers Given Forth - Title Page

Several Papers given forth for the Spreading

And Detection of

The Plain, Honest and Sober Converſation of the Saints in Fear and Trembling is Juſtified, Againſt the idle Bablings fo Formal Profeſſors, the wicked Faſhions, and heatheniſh Cuſtoms of these Nation Nations, under the pretence of Civillity.

By G.F. Minister of the Eternal Word of God.

Isa. 9.2. The People that walked in Darkneſs have ſeen a great Light, they that dwelt in the Land of the ſhadow of Death, upon them hath the Light ſhined.

John 12.35. THen Jeſus ſaid unto them, yet a little while is the Light with you, walk while you have the Light, lest Darkneſs come upon you: for he that walketh in Darkneſs knoweth not whether he goeth.

Printed in the Year, 1671.


Note: This pamphlet is in the process of being keyboarded.

Currently the ninth letter only is available.

Letter One

Letter Two

Letter Three

Letter Four

Letter Five

Letter Six

Letter Seven

Letter Eight

Letter Nine

Ministers bring people off formality.

Pr. Here he ſaith, We do utterly deny all their ways and doćtrines who exclude all teachings of men. See page 5. Anſ. Contrary to the ...