Friday, February 28, 2020

Apparel Distinguishes the Quality of the Person.

Pr. They say, That apparell is for diśtinćtion of qualities of perſons, &c. See page 36.

Anſ. That is but in the world; for that which diſtinguiſhes perſons is the Word, the perſon of Chriſt from the perſons of Adam in the fall, and who be in the transgreſſion, and who be out of it; and who be veſſels of honour and diſhonour; and your wearing of gold and coſtly apparell, it diſtinguiſheth you from the Apoſtles doćtrine. And the holy women of old which was honourable, it was not the apparell that made them ſo to be, but the hidden man of the heart which was of great price to the Lord, which were brought to do the command of God: That honour which is in the world for cloaths and reſpećt, God will stain, which stands the worlds honour in tranſgreſſion.

pg. 25

Bring off the Form

Pr. They ſay, that the power to juſtle out the forme is an errour, &c. ſee page 24.

Answ. Which was the Apoſtles work to bring off the form into the power, the subſtance Chriſt, which was not an errour: But you being in the errour, keep people into forms out of the power, and ſo not in the Apoſtles work.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

George Fox and Reflection on others

Pr. He ſaith, His Epistle reflects upon two ſorts of perſons, and how many falſe Prophets have riſen.

Anſ. The work of the Miniſters of the Goſpel was not to reflect upon perſons, or strike at creatures (as thou fayeſt) two ſorts of perſons; but they struck at the power which captivated the creature, to the intent that the creature might come into the liberty of the ſons of God: And ſo thou that art reflecting upon perſons, doſt ſhew a marke of thy ſelſe to be a falſe Prophet; in ſtead of ſpeaking of the power, thou art reflecting upon perſons; and this reflecting upon perſons was never the way to beget to God; but that which ſtrikes at the power which captivates creatures, reacheth to the witneſſe in priſon, and brings people into unity with God and one another in the ſpirit, which is the bond of peace.

Source: The Great Mystery of the Great Whore, 1659, pg. 237 (x-reference with Leslie's The Snake in the Grass. Second Edition. 1697. pg. 196 ).

Ministers bring people off formality.

Pr. Here he ſaith, We do utterly deny all their ways and doćtrines who exclude all teachings of men. See page 5. Anſ. Contrary to the ...