The True Honour Amongst the Jewes

Here you may see what was The True Honour Amongst the JEWES, To Magistrates, Kings, Fathers, Mothers, Masters, Dames, and Old Men; which did not use the putting off the Hat, nor scraping backwards the Foot; And what was the Ho­nour they Forbade; And what is the Honour Peter speaks of, To Honour all men, and to them that Rule Well, that was worthy of Double Ho­nour: among whom, the putting off the Hat was not used: which honour of Christians, since the Apostles dayes, have turned to put­ting off the Hat, and scraping Backwards; but putting off the Hat, on Bonnet, or Covering, was not used among the Jewes, nor in those parts of the World, though they were to Honour and Esteem, and Respect all Men, loving Enemies.

Which Practice, according to Scripture, we own & practice, Honouring all men, and them that Rule Well double Honour, as Fathers, Mothers, Masters, Dames, &c. 1 Pet. 4.1, 2.

London, Printed for Robert Wilson, at the Black-Spread-Eagle and Wind-mill in Martin l'Grand,

Here you may See what was the True Honour amongst the Jewes, to Magistra­tes, Kings, Fathers, Mothers, Masters, Dames, and Old Men; who did not use the putting off the Hat, nor Scraping Backwards the Foot; and what was the Ho­nour they Forbade, and what is the Honour Peter Spake of, to Honour all Men, &c.
The Objections of the World, and the Professors, Teachers, and Magistrates, against the QƲA­KERS, Answered.

FIrst, say They, You do not Honour all Men, which is according to the Apostles Doctrine in the Scriptures, as in 1 Pet. 2.17. Honour all men, Love the Brother­hood; Fear God, Honour the King: And them that Do Well, are Worthy of Double Honour.

Answ. Now to Honour all men, is to have all men in E­steem, or to Regard them, as the word [...] [...]nifies: And to Honour the King, and them that Rule Well, who are Worthy of Double Honour; That is, They should have Double Esteem, more than they that are Ruled; yet they that are Ruled, are to be had in Esteem, if all men be Honoured, Though they that Rule Well, have Double Esteem; for Honour, is Esteem; Now they that do esteem all men, will not hurt them, will do no man hurt: Now they that do esteem Governors, and Ru­lers with double esteem, more than common people; they will never hurt their Governors, nor those Rulers, nor peo­ple they do esteem: So if all Christendom had esteemed their Governors and Rulers, or one another, they would never have hurt them; for if they esteem them, they love them; And had the esteemed all men, and people, they would ne­ver [Page 2] have hurt one another; for they that esteeme one ano­ther, they love one another; and they that love one another, will not hurt one another, nor suffer others to hurt them, but esteem one another: For will a man hurt that Magi­strate he doth esteem? And all men are to be esteemed, and them that Rule Well are worthy of Double Esteem; and then will they hurt them? therefore, if you esteem them, you will do no hurt to them; but this esteem that men should have to one another, hath been turned, and is turned to the putting off the Hat, and scraping the Foot, and bowing the Knee; and he that doe this, is taken for an esteemer of men, and an honourer of Magistrates; but they that do this, which is accounted the Honour in these dayes, yet will Kill and Slay one another, and Slight and Dis-esteem one another, and Defraud, and Deceive, and deal Traytously one with another, and Dis-esteeming one another; which can­not properly be called the Honour, which the Scripture speaks of, Have one another in esteem; men may have one another in esteem, and yet never put off hat, nor scrape the foot; so you may see they are not the truest people, that do Cap and Scrape, which is called a Worship, and an Honour, for all the Mur­therers of one another, and of Kings and other Magistrate [...], they have been such as Knee, put off the Hat, and scrape; but had they had one another in esteem, and truly regarded each others good, and the Rulers in double esteem, they would ne­ver have hurt them, nor one another: And so according to the Scripture, to Honour all men, is to esteem or regard all men, and they that are worthy of double, they are wor­thy of double esteem, which we own; And this practice was, and is, where there is no putting off Hats; and they that do Honour, which is Respect, Regard, or Esteem, do beautifie, and double beautifie them that Rule Well, and Adorn them, as you may read, you own words holds forth [...]

[...] Honoro, in Honore habeo, magni aestimo Interdum & earum babeo, Od. [...]. Iliad. [...], Tanto habuit in pretio, & tam delxit quam natos suos.

And this is with that Respect which men have from God who feare him; and who fear him, have that with which he Beautifies and Adornes; and who fear God, keeps the [Page 3] Commands of Christ Jesus, love enemies; and who love e­nemies, esteem them; and who esteem them, Honour all men, and sees them that Rule Well, worthy of Double Ho­nour, Double Esteem; and these are they that come to keep brotherly fellowship, which is in the Light; for if we walk in the Light, as he is in the Light, we have fellowship one with another; and the fellowship is in the Spirit, which is the bond of peace, which plungeth down the Corruptions, which makes men Dishonorable, & makes men Dis-esteem one another; with which Spirit he comes to give Honour to that part which is lacking; so we have those members in esteem which are least; so that in the fellowship, if one Member be Honoured or Esteemed, as your Teaching Books holds forth in this place, also signifies esteem, even according to your own Rules of Words, and Teaching Books, though you ren­der it honour: Now unto the King Everlasting, Immortal, Invisible; unto God only wise be Honour and Glory, for Ever and Ever, 1 Tim. 17.

Now the Apostles, the Saints, amongst all the Courts, a­mongst all the Jewes, the people of God of Old, we do ne­ver Read that they ever fell out one with another, or per­secuted one another, or put any out of places, or Imprison­ed or fined any, or one another for not putting off their Hats, or for not bowing or scraping; but the Prophets, and Christ, judged them that Honoured with their Lips; so there was a Lip Honour: And was not that Lip Honour beyond that of the Hat? and are they not now to be judged, when the heart is far off, seeing it is the heart satisfies? And who had all men in esteem, and gave double to them, who are worthy of it? was not this in the reallity in the heart? and it is Read in the Scriptures, that they did wear Hats, as in Dan. 3. yet never Forced, Fined, nor Impriso­ned, for not putting off their Hats; and say, they had not men in esteem, except they did put off the Hat.

Now if men had men in esteem, that do put off the Hat, and had that been the Estemation, then had all been preserved in Unity and Peace; and the Jews, and other scattered people, which Peter wrote to, were to have one a­nother in esteem, and the Elders in double Esteem, which he [Page 4] doth not say consisteth, or standeth in putting off the Hat; neither do we read that the Jews used it; neither do they, who are Native true-Born Jews or Hebrews, at this day practice putting off the Hat in honour one of another; And the Turks counts it an odious or hateful practise to put off the Hat, (yet they are to Honour) so that it is a Proverb, or By-word among them, that they had rather show their bare head.

Now those especially, which Labour in the Word and Doctrine are to be Double Esteemed; for they are cloathed with Honour; and them that Labour in the Word and Do­ctrine they love enemies, and they must of necessity have all men in esteem, that love them; and them that Rule Well, they cannot but have in double Esteem, Joh. 12. He that Ho­noureth the Son, Honoureth the Father; and that all men should Honour the Son, as they Honour the Father, and he that Honoureth not the Son, Honoureth not the Father. Now Honour is as before, [...] to Esteem, or Respect the Son; he that Esteemeth not the Son, Esteemeth not the Father; or he that Esteemeth or Regardeth the Son, Esteem­eth or Regardeth his Light wherewith he is Lighted, who Enlightneth every man that cometh into the world; and he that Esteemeth not the Light, Esteemeth neither; for in that is the Fellowship.

Now there is an honour which is from below, which peo­ple, while they are seeking, cannot Believe, which honour the Pharisees were seeking, which was the esteem they sought from one another; but did not seek that which was from Above.

And there is an honouring with lips; there is an esteem, and there is an honouring with the Hat, (called the ho­nour now a dayes) and have left the esteeming, and double esteeming according to Scripture, which is in Truth and Righteousness in the Heart, which if men were in, they would never hurt one another, nor fearing of being hurt one by another.

And Christ saith, A Prophet is not without Honour, save in his own Country; and there is an Honour to Father and Mother, and Servants to Honour their Masters, where the Circumstance of putting off the Hat is not; therefore you [Page 5] must know, and consider this, to have them in esteem, and to count them estimable; and so honourable.

No man that taketh this honour to himself, (Mat. 25.) but he that is called of God as Aaron was, (Heb. 5.) Now the cry is, that none doth, nor ever shall hear Gods voyce while upon earth; therefore how can they have that honour, or e­steem, or know that esteem which Aaron had? now the vessels of holyness are vessells of honour, and are in esteem in Gods eyes; but such as deny the Spirit of God within them, and the Light within them, deny that, whereby they should have all men in esteem; and Rulers in double esteem, and to have God in esteem, and his Son in esteem.

And so denying the Spirit of God within, and the Light of Christ within; they put their Honour to the Hat, and Bow­ing, & Scraping, & are offended if they have it not; so living out of the Will of God, which is Sanctification, by which they should receive that Honour which is from above; and so are in a Will-Worship, and fained Humility, without any true Honour, neglecting the body, for the satisfying of the flesh; honouring with their Lips, and people with their Hats, when their Hearts are afar off. And putting off the Hat, is but a Fashi­on of the World, and an outward thing, like unto the Lip Ho­nour and Tradition of men, which must not be touched, nor tasted, nor followed: The Apostles were in Honour and Dis­honour, where they preached up and down; so some Esteem­ed them, and some Disesteemed them; now them that Dis­esteemed them, Persecuted; if they had esteemed them, they would not have Persecuted them, nor have Hurt them: now this you cannot put to the Hat, or to them That did not put off their Hats to them; for do you not think all those that have Murthered and Persecuted one another, would not put off their Hats to them, and to one another; and all the Betrayers of one another, and Backbiters, and Evill Speak­ers, and Underminers of one another, Will not these Ho­nour the same person with the Lip and Cap?

Now if these had one another in Esteeme, which is to Love one another, then Love would never hurt, nor plot, nor disturb, nor raise insurrections one against another, if they honoured all men.

2. Object. Let every Soul be subject to the Higher Power, Rom. 13. And you doe not put off your Hats; And the Scripture saith, he that Resisteth the Power, resisteth the Ordi­nance of God; and they that do so, receive to themselves Judge­ment.

Answ. Now the Soul, which is Immortall, must be subject to the Power; there is no power but of God, and this power is over that Powers of Darkness, which are called Rulers[1] and Power; now to this the Soul is subject, and he that resisteth this, resisteth the Ordinance of God. Here you may see that Pow­er is Gods Ordinance, which the Soul must be subject to; and Honour, to whom Honour; and Custome, to whom Custome; and Tribute, to whom Tribute; and Esteeme, to whom E­steem.

And the Powers which be, are ordained of God, to which the Soul must be subject; for there is no Power, but which is of God. That is, there is no Supream Authority, Rule, or Governments that are ordained by his Power, but are of God; and the Powers, and Principalities, and Thrones, which the Apostles wrestled withall with Spirituall Weapons, and the Rulers of Dark­ness in high places, these were contrary to the power of God which went over them, unto these their Souls were not sub­ject, for they wrestled against them: Therefore that power which the Soul must be subject to, is not that which is wrest­lest against with Spirituall Weapons, which is Christ the Power of God, which Subjects all Powers, Rulers and Go­vernments unto himself; but it is that which minds the lip-honour, and the hat, and the honour below.

3. Object. Be kindly affectionated one to another, with bro­therly love; Rom. 12. In honour, preferring one before ano­ther.

Now here is esteeming one another in love; so as I said before, they do never hurt one another, who prefer and e­steeme one another: Now the Christians were to honour all men, that is, to have all men in esteem, even to love enemies, and were not to hurt any Creature upon earth. Submit your selves to every ordinance of man for the Lords sake, whether it be to the King, as Supream, or other Governours or Superiours, or Rulers, or Magistrates, who are for the punishment of Evill [Page 7] Doers, and for the praise of them that do Well: So that which keeps down the evill doer (the just) that is to be submitted to, which is for the praise of them that do well; but evill doers getting up, that are not for the praise of them that do well; The Apostles exhorts, That prayers be made for Rulers that are in Authority, and Intercession, and giving of thanks be made for all men, likewise as well as for those that are in Authority, Rulers, &c. And that we might live a quiet and peaceable life, in all godliness and honesty; That is, that the Lord may re­strain them (who hath them in his hand, as he hath the wa­ters) that they may not lead us into ungodlyness and dis­honesty; for that leads out of a peaceable life and quietness, ungodliness and dishonesty doth: Therefore prayers are for them that are in Rule and Authority; and intercession to the Lord for them, that we may live a peaceable Life, and a godly Life, and when they are stopped from leading and forcing to act things contrary to godlyness and honesty, and a pure conscience, there is then cause of Thanks-giv­ing and Praising, 1 Pet. 2.17. For the Apostles did cross the Jews and Gentiles in their Ordinances, Statutes and Cu­stomes; Yet wrote, that every soul should be subject to the higher power, and to every ordinance of man for the Lords Sake, and Conscience Sake; even the pure Conscience Sake.

Now all Fining and Imprisoning for not putting off the hat, hath got up since the Apostles dayes; seeing we never read a­mongst the Prophets, amongst the Jews, amongst the Christians in the Primitive Times, that ever they did fine or imprison any for not putting off their Hats: therefore is not this fining and Imprisoning amongst the Christians, got up since the A­postles dayes? and is not this Cap-Honour from below, and worshiping the Beast and Dragon, which hath killed, per­secuted, murthered and betrayed one another, and yet have had the Name of Christians, and have put off hats one to another fast enough; but if they had had one another in esteem, and the Rulers that ruled well in double esteem, then had never any of them been hurt nor wronged in the whole Christendome, if they had esteemed one another; but now you may see what is become with this lip-honour, [Page 8] and lip-worship, who are treacherous, and murtherous in their hearts. Now that which is in esteem, is worshipfull, and comes to have the chiefest place, such are worthy of double esteem; but the Ambitious, which seeks the honour before the humility, Luke 13.23. as Solomon speakes of, are reproved; for before true honour, goeth humility; the ho­nour and worship with the hat, and that humility (so cal­led) is voluntary, and voluntary humility, and not of com­mand by Christ and the Apostles XR6743; and an honour below, and not from above; and a fashion of the World, and the fa­shions of the World are forbidden by God and his Ser­vants.[2] The Apostles say, the fashion of this world passeth away, therefore the Saints were not to mind them; A salu­tation, that mind that is in pride, is offended, if to him it be not given; and it is a Custom of the World, and a thing below, which they that are Earthly, or below, seek; which they that be Heavenly seek not, and are from above, but seeks the things which be above, and these are not troubled about that below, but are of a more Royall Seed; but they that be Earthly are troubled, if they have it not given them, which are covered, but not with the Spi­rit of the Lord; but they that are uncovered with the earthly, and covered with the Spirit of the Lord, are un­troubled if men do not give it them, but stops them that do; and this seeks the honour above, and adorns and beau­tifies people with that: And out Brother Paul, which came before King Fe [...]ius, and Felix the Governour in their Court, and spake and declared freely for himself, they were not offended at him for Thou-ing of them, and for not putting off his Hat or Covering, for that the Jews Custom was not to put off their Hats or Coverings.

And they that have all men in esteem, and they that rule well are worthy of double esteem; this is not to respect persons, to the committing of sin, and the transgressing the Law, and the putting off the Hat, the giving of honour and esteem to the Rulers and Great men, the same is gi­ven to the Beggar; and this doth not discover mens hearts, but a discovering and manifesting flattery, and hypocri­cy, and such as will crouch, and bow, and bend for a peice of [Page 9] bread, for their own ends; and for that respect of bowing, are not men accepted, for bowing with the hat off? that are covered, but not with the Spirit of the Lord, they that have that covering taken off with the Spirit of God, and covered with that, it gives them a Royaller understanding, to look beyond that honour below, but at that honour which comes down bowing the Hat, is a will-worship, and that which discovers mens hearts,[3] is the Spirit of God, and leads their minds together, to be one, and their Souls, and their Spirits; and to manifest their love to each other, and to have one another in esteem; which is a more nobler thing than the Hat, for that honour must into the dust: Where is any that sought more for the honour, which is be­low; then the Great, and Rich, and Proud Pharisees did? as now the Christians do for the hat-honour which is be­low, which is a figure, that they are neither believers, nor seek not the honour which is from Above; and so will peo­ple in our Nation, which they will both give, and seek, which God will lay both in the dust: so we would have all men come to distinguish, and consider, what that honour which is below, is, that God will lay in the dust; for that is the honour for which men, if it be not given to them, will persecute: Daniel came into the Great Court of Ne­buchadnezzar, and the Three Children with their hats, and they were cast into the Fire, for not worshipping their Image with their Hats; Therefore it shewes they had them on, and did not put them off, they were cast into the Fire with them, as well as with their Cloaks; and Nebuchadnezzar, and his Court, and his Company, were not Offended at their Hats; for it was not the Jewes Custom to put them off, and they were of the Jewes; neither do we read that Nebu­chadnezzar was Offended at them; Daniel, and the Three Children thee'd him, and thou'd him; and we never Read that Hezekiah was offended at Jeremiah, for thee-ing him, and thou-ing him; or the Judges and Heads offended at Micah, when he spoke to them, or did make any question about their Covering, or Hat; nor we never Read, that ever Moses, or David, or Solomon, were offended at any [Page 10] for not putting their hats off, or coverings, or for thee-ing, and thou-ing of them that came into the Courts before them, or among them; or Sampson, or Joshua, or Jephthah, that these, or any other that we Read of in the Scriptures, were offended at any that came into their Courts, that did not put off their hats or coverings; or for saying thee, and thou to them, though Jephthahs Daughter thou'd her Father; for the Jewes principle was, that they did not put off their hats when they went into the Synagogues or Temples that kept the Law of God; though many of the Vagabond Jews will do as other Nations do, it may be some of them will put off their hats, but that is not owned by them that are true Jewes, as it is said by themselves.

And Steven he was Examined before the Councel, Act. 7. We do not read they were offended at his covering. Haman was offended at Mordecay, because he would not obey the Kings Command, and Bow before him in his Court; and though he broke the Kings Command, yet he had fa­vour from him at the last; for he had the King in esteem; so we would have men, to have all men in esteem, and the Rulers that Rule Well, in double Esteem; for we have all men in esteem, and they that Rule Well, in double Esteem, which is Honour according to your own Interpretation.

And Christ the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, Who hath all power in Heaven and Earth given to him, we never Read of, that he set forth an example, or command, that his Disciples, or any other, should put off their hats that came before him, that had the chiefest Court upon all the Earth. Now there has been an honour, and a worship given to the Beast, and the Dragon, since the Apostles dayes, and a compelling thereunto.

Now men have been Fined, and Imprisoned, because they would not put off their coverings, or their hats, among the apostate christians, since the Apostles dayes; which we never Read was done among the Primitive Christians, in the Apostles dayes; and we do never Read, that the Apostles, Timothy, Titus the Bishops, did Fine, or Imprison any that did not put off their hats, or their coverings, for they brought people to seek the things which were Above; and to [Page 11] set their affections upon them, and not on things below, and not to mind earthly things; for the hat is an earthly thing, and a thing below; and they that Trouble, Fine, Imprison about it, cannot chuse but minde earthly things, and mind things below, and Circumstances, and Customes, and Fashi­ons of the World, and sained Humility, in which there is no Substance, which is below the Royal Seed, and the Nobility, and Dignity of a man; and the honour Above, and the worship of God, and the true Humility, which goes before True Honour, that is Above.

And we never read among all the Jews Courts, Rulers, Kings, and Governours, or among all the christians, Christ, and the Apostles, in the Primitive times, that ever any were Fined, or Imprisoned, or Beat for not putting off their cove­rings or their hats, or saying the word thou to a man; but this practise hath been, and is gotten up since the Apostles dayes; for which in the Scriptures, we have never an Example; Moses said unto Aaron, and Eliazer, and Ithamar his Sons, Ʋncover not your Heads, nor Rent not your Cloaths, least you Die, and Wrath come upon the people. This was a Time when the Burning of the Lord was Kindled, and shewes their heads were covered when they were before Moses, and he was not offended; and their uncovering their heads shewed the Sorrow; and keeping their heads all covered, shewed as if they were not moved, whereby the wrath was not to come upon the people; and this shewed that they had their heads covered before Moses, and he bid them keep them on, and not uncover them, Levit. 10 6. And the Priest was not to uncover his Head, nor rent his cloathes, Levit. 21.10. in the Sanctuary, which is contrary to the Priests now in their Temples.

And David in the time of his sufferings, and as they went up by the assent of the Mount of Olivet, wept; and as he went, his head was coverd, and all the people that went with him, covered every man his head, and went weeping; which signifieth, that they used to have their heads covered before the King; for in the time of suffering and mourning, they used to uncover their heads, and throw dust on them; and David the King was not offended at the peoples heads [Page 12] being covered, for his head was covered, and their heads was covered: And by this you may know there was no respect, nor honour with the hat. Now the Jews used not to honour their Kings, nor one another by uncovering their heads, though they did honour their Kings, by having them in e­steem and respect, and that was their Honour; for he bowed the hearts of the people, he doth not say, he bowed the co­verings of their heads, and was offended if they did not; for the Jews never used to uncover their heads to the King, Ruler, Judge, nor Supream, nor one to another, 2 Sam. 15.3. But Jeremiah, Lament. 2. speaks of casting dust, and ashes on their heads; this was the estate of the mourn­ing.

And Ezekiel 27.30. They cast dust and ashes on their heads, in the time of weeping and mourning; and the Lord said unto Ezekiell, forbear to cry, make no mourning for the dead; bind thy attire on thy head. Which shewed in the time of mourning, many did uncover their heads, which the Lord God forbade, as Moses did formerly, though for the time they did not, For their heads were covered, Chron. 24.17. And the Lord put on Righteousness, as a Brest-plate, and the Helmet of Salvation upon his Head, and the Garments of Vengeance for Cloathing, and Clad with Zeal for a Cloak, Isaiah 59.17.

And Mordecai bowed not, nor reverenced Haman, though it was the Kings Commandement. Now was this an Example Recorded, that proud men should be reverenced and bowed unto, though it be to the breaking of the Com­mandement of a King, or Ruler, which is to the hazard­ing the lives of so many thousands as he did: I say, was this an Example Recorded to be followed yea, or nay? Hester 3.

The three Children which would not observe Nebuchad­nezzars worship, Dan. 3. nor bow to his Image, nor keep his Command, but were bold; you may say they were Stubborn, for not doing so, they cast them in the Fiery Furnace, bound them, their Coats, their Hosen, and their Hats, and other Garments, which shewes they had their Hats on: and they did not put off their Hats, but stood with their [Page 13] Hats on before the King, and he was not offended with them for that, and it was not the Jews custom to put off their Hats.

Now is not Christians worse than these, who make such a work, and a do about putting off their hats, which are for the covering their nakedness? is not here the Christians worse then Moses, then David, or Nebuchadnezzar, before whom the Jews wore their hats without offence, which the Chri­stians cannot bear, who professe a State beyond the Jews? but the true Jews would not put off their hats, for a thou­sand pounds to any one, they say themselves, not to King, nor their own Kings, nor in the Synagogue, nor in the Temple, nor in the Streets to any man; and their ho­nouring men, is to have them in esteem in their hearts, and the custom is, to take a man by the hand, though some of the portugall Jews, and the Jews in England will put off their hats, and say your Servant, Sir, who are judged by others of them for so doing.

Thou shalt rise up before the Hoary Head, an Honour the face of the Old Man, and Fear God. Now this honour was to have in esteem and respect, and give them their place as Elders, but not put off the hat to them, not for a thousand pounds, say the Jews, but honour them in their hearts, and have them in respect, as being aged, Levit. 19.32.

Exod. 20. Thou shalt Honour thy Father, and Mother, that thy Dayes may be long in the Land which the Lord thy God giv­eth thee; this was not to grieve them, nor offend them; if they stroke, not to strike them again, but to be subject to them, and have them in esteem, but never to put off their hats; no, not such a thing for a thousand pounds, say the Jews; so this honour to Elders, Fathers, Mothers, and Ru­lers, have people put to the hat, and scraping, and to the old men, and Hoary Heads, and thrown away respect, and submissiveness, and the practice of the Law; and so bold­ness, impudency, envy, threatning, malice, fighting, dis­dain, derision, unsubmissiveness, no obedience, repining, and strikings, dishonouring against Father, Mother, Ru­lers, yet scrape, and put off the hat to them, and doing that, they think its sufficient, and in that loses all the [Page 14] true obedience, and respect, and reverence, and esteem, and submissiveness, which be done from the heart, with­out cap, and scrape like a Bull that throws the dust back­wards.

But honouring the Father and Mother, is a figure of honouring God, which was to have them in esteem, and not to offend, not fin [...] to grieve them; as not to sin to grieve and offend God; but by their obedience they had them in esteem in the Lord, as they had the Lord.

And likewise Servants honour their Masters, or Dames, which was not the practise with the hat, but with respect and reverence, and submissive obedience; not with the hat, Scrapings, Courtesies, and bending, and outside fashions, but in the obedience of the heart, which doth array, and beautifie; and if they were struck, not to strike again, know­ing that they had a Master in Heaven, wherein they were kept in their measures, whence arises all good manners, and by which they were kept out of the Evill Words, which did corrupt them.


To be Courteous, Kind, Affectionate, Affable, Decent, that is, to be gratious, which is not meant by putting off the Hat; for they that were so, did not use it.
1 Pet. v. i.

Forasmuch then; as Christ hath suffered for us in the flesh, Arm your selves likewise with the same mind: For he that hath suffered in the flesh has ceas'd from sin.

Vers. 2.

That he no longer should live the rest of his time in the flesh, to the Lusts of men, but to the Will of God.

Page 2. line 36. read dilexit for delxit.



1. That are out of Truth.
2. The Sa­lutation which the Scripture speaks of, was to speak one to ano­ther.
3. Which is not in the Hat.

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Ministers bring people off formality.

Pr. Here he ſaith, We do utterly deny all their ways and doćtrines who exclude all teachings of men. See page 5. Anſ. Contrary to the ...