Tuesday, July 23, 2019

George Fox at war against James Naylor

But James Nayler and some of them could not stay the meeting but kept on their hats when I prayed. And they were the first that gave that bad example amongst Friends. So after I had been warring with the world, now there was a wicked spirit risen up amongst Friends to war against.

Source: G.F. Journal (Nickalls edition) pg. 268. Cambridge. 1952 [1656]

Larger passage which includes the above quote with different context.

From thence we came through the Countries to Exeter, where many Friends were in Prison; and amongst the rest James Nayler. For a little before the Time, that we were set at Liberty, James run out into Imaginations, and a Company with him; and they raised up a great Darkness in the Nation. And he came to Bristol, and made a Disturbance there: And from thence he was coming to Lanceston, to see me; but was stopt by the Way and Imprisoned at Exeter. As were also several others, that were coming to see me; one of whom, an honest, tender Man, died in Prison there : whose Blood lieth on the Heads of his Persecutors.

That Night, that we came to Exeter, I spake with James Nayler: for I saw, he was out, and wrong; and so was his Company. The next day, being the First day of the Week, we went to the Prison, to vi-the Prisoners ; and had a Meeting with them in the Prison: but James Nayler, and some of them could not stay the Meeting. There came a Corporal of Horse into the Meeting, and was Convinced and remained a very good Friend. The next day I spake to James Nayler again ; and he flighted, what I said, and was dark , and much out : yet he would have come, and kissed me. But I said, 'Since he had turned against the Power of God , I could not receive his shew of Kindness': So the Lord God moved me to slight him , and to set the Power of God over him. So after I had been warring with the World, there was now a wicked Spirit risen up amongst Friends to War against : and I admonished him and his Company. And when he was come to London, his Resisting the Power of God in me, and the Truth that was declared to him by me , became one of his greatest Burdens. But he came to fee his Out-going, and to Condemn it ; and after some Time he returned to Truth again : as in the printed Relation of his Re pentance, Condemnation and Recovery may be more fully seen.

Source: Journal of G.F. 1709 edition, Part 1, pg. 374. [1656]

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Pr. Here he ſaith, We do utterly deny all their ways and doćtrines who exclude all teachings of men. See page 5. Anſ. Contrary to the ...